National Conference on Higher Education in Prison, Atlanta, GA, 2023 11
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Bullman, D. (2023). Empowerment Through Early Career Research: Initial Findings from the Indiana Higher Education Initiative Access Project. . Atlanta, GA: National Conference on Higher Education in Prison.
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Bullman, D. “Empowerment Through Early Career Research: Initial Findings from the Indiana Higher Education Initiative Access Project. .” Atlanta, GA: National Conference on Higher Education in Prison, 2023.
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Bullman, D. Empowerment Through Early Career Research: Initial Findings from the Indiana Higher Education Initiative Access Project. . National Conference on Higher Education in Prison, 2023.
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title = {Empowerment Through Early Career Research: Initial Findings from the Indiana Higher Education Initiative Access Project. },
year = {2023},
month = {2023},
day = {11},
address = {Atlanta, GA},
organization = {National Conference on Higher Education in Prison},
author = {Bullman, D.}